“To grow closer to God is to understand the fabric of your soul.”


Salwa embodies a hybrid combination of gifts that are rare to come across within one individual. If you were guided here, it’s likely your next level activation is seeking you.  

A direct emissary of the Divine Mother, Salwa is here on a mission to help heal, activate, harmonize, and elevate humanity through the sacred path of Universal Christ Consciousness. Salwa is a powerful channel, speaker, and teacher of universal truths, and anointed conduit of celestial codes. Being fully tapped into her clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities, Salwa is also a sought-after ascension guide, able to tap into individuals’ higher guidance, and with reverence for the power of their free will, guide them towards the tools to receive their own answers.    

Upon the most profoundly unique of her attributes, Salwa is a descendent from the angelic order of the virtues; known as the weavers of the time-space grid, weaving the structure of Creation with the light and sound frequencies of God (estimated .03% of the human incarnate population based on soul & akashic research).  

Bestowed with the sacred honor and responsibility of helping bring order to the laws of the created universe, Salwa is an ordained weaver of the Universal grid; working on the 90% portion of universal grid matter that is invisible to the human eye yet holds the visible 10% together.

As above, so below, she works on the YOUniversal grid; the 98% portion of human DNA considered “junk” by science. 

They call it “junk” because it does not code with protein. That is not a defect, but an effect; an effect of our divinity. It is designed to be coded with the language of God; light and sound.
— Salwa

Serving humbly as an instrument of God, Salwa transmits codes of light and sound frequencies which will activate you at the DNA level, expanding your ability to receive more light and information. When met with your own personal commitment to the work, this will lead to cellular upgrades, divine gift activation, life changing transformations, miracles when in your highest alignment, and ultimately, plugging you in to the universal consciousness grid so you may access your own direct connection to higher realms.  

Walking on this planetary grid, while plugged in to the universal grid, is how you liberate your soul from the laws of matter, while existing in them. That is freedom from the matrix, while getting to dance in it.
— Salwa

Salwa’s work is vibrationally transformational. It is otherworldly, yet essential in our world at this time. 

As the master creative she is, Salwa weaves her medicine into various expressions of her work in order to meet seekers where they are at. From speaking, ascension guiding, and dance, to profound ceremonial spaces, all will be activated. 

The various themes I teach, keynotes I deliver, dances I lead, and ceremonies I hold, all offer but vibrant hues of the one omnipotent thread connecting us to the grand tapestry of God.
— Salwa