How I got here.
“A story recap on how I got here, ready to meet you, so we can go beyond the story.”
I arrived on this planet on the mission to do this work; embodying a strong connection to divine realms beyond this one since birth.
My first vivid memory of these connections goes back to infancy, with a light being named Yeshua, who I grew to love and know as my best friend. You might know him as ascended master Jesus. I thought everyone had this personal relationship with Yeshua. When I learned later in life that was not the case, I prayed one day I could help guide others to experience it.
That led to my childhood dream of wanting to be a nun. To my limited understanding at the time, that was what women did when they wanted to devote their life in service to God and I thought Yeshua was clearly recruiting me. I loved to pray and had an altar in my room from a very young age, and a staple chunky wooden cross necklace I seldomly left the house without.
Around the age of 7, I entered a 2-year period of sleepless nights, sponsored by encounters of the 5th kind; also known as, ET encounters.
That gifted me the experiential, semi scary at the time, knowing that there is undoubtedly life beyond this planet.
While those encounters still hold some unknowns for me, my higher guidance has led me to trust they were not “abductions” but cosmic gifts of activation, serving a purpose beyond what my cognitive comprehension can receive at this time.
So, I guess you could say I was a “peculiar” child.
Things shifted in my adolescent years, as they tend to do.
A strong desire to fit in, pause the paranormal experiences, and find my place IN this world took over. By divine synchronicity, I ended up at the high school dance team auditions. With zero attachments to the outcome, and an “I’m here, let’s make the best of it” attitude, I auditioned and made the team. That team gifted my outsider soul, the insider experience it yearned for, enhanced by a reunion with the medicine of movement which I still subscribe to today. I went on to become team captain, which elevated my confidence from that of making a team, to that of leading one. This all felt familiar and predestined.
At 17, I was set up on a blind date with a boy who would fulfill my “fit in and be normal” era. I married him 5 years later. I went to UGA for a BBA in International Business; always feeling drawn to worldly affairs and seeing travel in my future. Who would’ve known the “worldly” affairs would become universal, and the “travels” inter-dimensional one day. I minored in French and studied abroad twice, answering my always present soul call to France. Upon graduating, I landed a fancy international finance job which I attempted for 7 months. Suppressing my creative energy was draining my soul however, so I left and applied for a postgraduate Fashion Design degree at FIDM in LA. I got engaged at the same time, doing everything in “perfect order”. I moved in with my parents for 7 months to plan a dream wedding and avoid “living in sin”, then moved to Cali with my new husband and kicked off operation fashion dream. For two years, I amazed myself with my innate ability to bring visions to form at light speed, function on little sleep, and make it all look so fun and easy; abilities that would all come in handy later.
As I approached my highly anticipated fashion school finish line, with a meticulously crafted portfolio I couldn’t wait to present to coveted employers in LA, I found out I was pregnant. At this point, I was one year into my marriage to a karmic partner, who was fun in school years yet contracted to dis-empower my dreams so I could learn to empower myself in adulthood. That was the season we were ushering in with parenthood.
The thought of interviewing pregnant or leaving my newborn with a nanny to go to work didn't feel aligned, so I decided, “I’ll just start my own thing” (insert nervous laugh here). I set off starting my fashion business in what felt like a drought, praying for a miracle seed to sprout. Those miracle seeds sprouted alright, by way of my great loves and teachers; my children, who came in unexpectedly, one after the other, until there were three and an angel in between. The fashion seed took last place on the watering schedule. Being a stay-at-home mom to three little ones, constantly moving states for my engineer husband’s job, on a very tight (non-existent) budget for my “fashion thing” (as he would call it), healing my heart from still birth, committed to helping others heal with the tools I’d discovered to heal myself, were the priorities. The added challenge of existing in an emotionally starved marriage made everything feel just a little heavier.
But 2012 happened, and it ushered in a new wave of life force energy for me.
I decided to bring the fashion seed forward and water it to fruition; not “despite” having 3 little ones, but “because” I had 3 little ones. What better creative force energy is there than that of a divine mother after all. I let that fire fuel me and I went full force; or in what became my signature self-empowerment word, full “fierce”.
Something I had to be on the other side of the journey to truly see, was how my fashion business was preparing me for serving as a weaver of the tapestry of God.
It gifted me 12 years of a self-made training arena, with tests along the way, and an annual final exam played out through a show I produced called “Fierce in The City”, which wove fashion, art, lights, dance, and live music on the runway. Beyond producing a show, I was weaving together an intricate range of souls, personalities, and gifts, into a unified vision, and clothing all in attendance in the frequency of love. I created the love I didn’t feel was showing up for my visions at home, then took great joy in gifting it to others for theirs. The funds from the show were not the currency that kept it going; it was the joy in the creation. The best part; I got to share it with my children, whose pride and wonderment in their mother showed every year in attendance.
The grand finale to the 9-year run show was announced to me by a blue light-being that showed up at the foot of my bed one night (not creepy at all), 3 weeks before the event in 2023. So, I made it official by announcing it would be so on my scheduled live television interview promoting the show. This was a tremendous act of trust in my higher guidance and unfolding of the divine plan; especially not yet knowing how the next evolution of my work would show up. But it felt nostalgically in alignment and celebratory. It felt like a graduation; a rite of passage through a portal into my new world. And so it was.

The act of unraveling our safety rope, trusting we will fly, not fall, is sacred.
I set off on my greatest unraveling yet in 2017, when I knew I could no longer show up with integrity as someone looked up to for authenticity and self-empowerment, while living in a partnership that didn't honor that. It was 3 grueling years from the time I filed for divorce until the diploma was earned. It wasn’t the type of diploma that gets celebrated by earth beings much. Many simply lack the capacity to understand frequency misalignment as a valid reason for graduating a relationship. But my light family, who had been silently (to my awareness) holding and guiding me from the sidelines, emerged in a powerful way upon its completion. Once the tears were purged, I felt myself in a graduation ceremony, wearing a pure white cloak, walking across the stage of my life as I’d known it, receiving a light baton from my spirit team who I was now ready to be in full co-creation union with. And we were ready to move at light speed.
What happened from here will be a book. I am stating it to honor the seed which has been planted in my womb of creation for it already. The massive awakenings, profound mystical experiences, potent activations, and other worldly initiations resurrecting lifetimes of remembrance, ordained gifts, priest and priestess paths remembered and reignited, are what have gotten me here today, ready to serve you in my highest expression.
I remember who I am, how I serve, and who I have served with. That is invaluable. It has been remembered by direct experience and affirmed by multiple akashic sources. It would be impossible for me to do my journey of remembrance and initiation justice here. It is too vast; too sacred.
As this website reflects where my mission and offerings are at now, I will skip the story of how each came to be but can assure you this; each came from a series of spirit guided assignments, activating remembrance, faithful action, disciplined work, and diligent service to God and his/her children.
My “integrated master soul path” as I like to call it has not been the Zen romanticism, Buddhist in the Himalayas, devoted 100% to their spiritual practice in solitude, path. Some days I feel that’s what my soul wanted, so on a smartass day up there, it designed my current set up instead.
Because of that however, a big part of my “WHY” in showing up for this work, publicly, is to be a walking example to others on how to be THIS AND THAT – “THIS” being a highly evolved being in their divine essence; “THAT” being the human that still fulfills various roles and responsibilities, has messy human days, rolls up into the parent pick up line at school after activating light codes, and has fun. Striving to attain harmony between humanness and divinity is a powerful spiritual practice and the greatest honor of being here.
I hope my story inspires you to let my work activate yours.
Thank you for being here.