“Life is ceremony. Living is ritual.”

~ Salwa

The Temple of Light was initiated on 11/11/23, to be a sacred container for healing, activation, and ascension. It was built on the foundation that everything we seek is already within us. We carry it in our cells, DNA, light codes, and most of all, SOUL ONENESS with the divine.

There is nothing outside of us to seek; only EVERYTHING WITHIN US TO RE-member.  

You are God in form, therefore you are the house of worship, the temple, the church.  

Whether group retreats in spirit guided destinations, private ceremonies, full moon activations, or cosmic vision mapping workshops, if you are feeling called to dive deeper into your spiritual work, expand your consciousness, and amplify your spiritual understanding, the Temple of Light will offer you life changing experiences where miracles happen and timelines get aligned to your highest good.  

To preserve the sanctity of these gatherings for all involved, many Temple of Light activations are invite and referral only. However there is always space to get to know any new soul seeking to enter. Please inquire in the form below.